Sunday, July 30, 2017

When You Embrace The Change, You Have A Chance

(Picture of HAN, founder & GM, stepped down and resigned from the company)

Han resigned from the Founder & General Manager of the Company. 
Below is his full letter to staffs:
Dear Team, 
For the last eight years my life has always been thinking about businesses which i managed and sacrificed all the dreams for the vision that company wants to get reached. Recent events have brought home for me that honesty is more important than money, and that I need to make such decision in another way to create new chapter in my life.
The ultimate responsibility, for what we’ve gotten here I have trained, documented and guided to new leadership team smoothly. There is of course much to be proud of however there are so many things to improve. For online e-commerce business and earlier new established services & products to succeed there is nothing more greater than dedicating your time build out the strongest leadership management and trust the mission, vision that you agreed with shareholders together.  
During my absent from the company, I do believe that new leadership team will be running the businesses successfully. I will be available as needed for at anytime you’ve got the questions in order to move operation forward swiftly. 
I feel tragically losing my loved children that we all have taken care of them for almost 10 years so far. Due to the tough situation for me right now and I have to properly say my “GOODBYES” to all of you.

Have a good luck,
(31 July 2017)