Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Why Asset Management Is Important?

Most of companies are not considering on asset management properly in their organization. At the end of the day they always have complaints, headache and painful with assets because of loss, broken, not able to track and especially lost much investment in yearly.

I would recommend and suggest that Asset management is required necessarily by using technology so that you will save time, and earn much revenue. You will never miss your assets anymore after you implement the following software below:

1. https://www.assetinfinity.com/ 

2. ManageEngine, Asset Explorer

Thank you,

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Approval Process Workflow Automation


When employees and supervisors spend more time tracking down paperwork, sharing Word or Excel documents, managing emails, making phone calls than doing real work, it's a sign your approval workflow needs to be automated.

Approval workflow can be a challenge for large and small organizations since many departments still rely on manual, inefficient ways of making approval requests and providing sign-off. Also, these processes don't provide the transparency and audit trails needed.

I would recommended software:
1. https://www.integrify.com/
2. Power Automation & SharePoint

I have tested these tools, it is very helpful for process approval enhancement in the organziation. It help to save time and efficient in operation among superior management team to track approval task & progress automation.
