Saturday, October 26, 2013

What is the challenges for foreigner investors of doing business in Cambodia

                       Picture from google

Course: International Business Environment
This morning, I successfully finished group presentation about a topic "Environment of doing business in Cambodia and what is the challenges for foreigner investors?"

After I was across a long researching, I got at least main 6 points challenges for foreigner investors to consider before investing in Cambodia:

1. Political Instability: whenever political in the country is not working stable, It absolutely affects to business investing. And foreigner investors, of course they will consider this point before put more investment in Cambodia.

2. Cambodia GDP: It is still lower if compare with other neighbor countries and over the world. This is also a challenge for foreigner investors to think before doing business in Cambodia.

3. Poverty: Most of Cambodian people are still living in poverty. The poverty also is a concerning for foreigner investors of doing business in this country.

4. Corruption: There are many companies or ministries in the country they are corrupting in many aspects so it is also a challenge for foreigner investor as well. They need to know how is the corruption situation first before doing business in Cambodia.

5. Electricity issue: Cambodia Electricity doesn't serve enough in the country so it is very challenge for foreigner investors to look at this point before going to invest a business in Cambodia.

6. Petroleum price: It's comparatively higher than in the ASEAN countries, so it is also a challenge for investing in Cambodia.

I can recommend more points challenges for foreigner investors such as:

- Cambodia is in under-development country so there are many infrastructures are still under developing.
- Less of high technical people, foreigner investors will get difficulty to recruit some of high technical employees to work in the Technology field.
- Pricing: it is also a very challenge point for foreigner investors because pricing must determine based on the country economic. Cambodia is under developing country so all pricing must not be set higher than other countries. This is also a challenge for foreign investors to consider before investing in Cambodia.

ChanHan HY,
Small research
International Business Environment,

Monday, October 21, 2013

Software Programmers Should Take One Hour A Day For Exercise (Gymnastics)

    Picture from Google

I'm doing exercise (Gymnastics) every evening after a whole day of programing by sitting in front of computer, I take one hour per day to practice Gym.

Software developers, of course they are very stress of thinking to resolve errors either me. Their brain is very trouble or boring so much.

To release all these stresses you all have to find a way to make the feeling happy or fun by exercising, listening or meeting with friends chitchat.

But for me, I choose Gym, and play Guitar due to these equipments help my feeling refresh and fun.

How about you guys? what do you do after bored a whole day with software programming?

By: Han4U

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Enviroment & challenging change your life

Over 10years already...
From 2002 - 2013, life in Phnom Penh City.
My life has been changed a lot.
From a pagoda boy becomes a outstanding leader in a private company.
I've been generating over million dollars every year for the company.

When I was living at the province, life was full of difficult hassle. I lived in a poor economic family.

The information or news seemed like to be hidden from my life. I was very afraid or shy of the rich people I was jealous of their life so much and  I also ever expected to change my life to become the rich and rich more than those people who has been always in my memory so far.

I always drove my bike across a pagoda [HONG LAM pagoda] near my home and prayed for a successful life in the future to help my family more better and better like other people.

After moved to Phnom Penh city [2002] to pursue the bachelor degree, my life was very changed one day to one day. Indeed my parents had not enough budget to support my study at all and my life was getting more harder and harder that time. I started to feel very hopeless and feared whether I can graduate or stop studying, [in 2004].

The right decision was made by parents they decided to sell a part of land to neighbor to get some money to continue to support my bachelor degree's life.

One day to one day, parents was getting a bad healthy and older because they strived to earn, work and also feed some pigs, all those to support their family, sons and daughters. The situation pushed me to have two brains that time, one was studying and other one was finding a job to work to get some money to support my own life. Yes, i got it i had a salary a little bit, parents started to feel better [in 2005].

After got a  job, my study began to fall down at the private University because I had no much time to focus especially my health was not so good, I had a very thin body [this was study & career life] but fortunately god blessed me no having a serious sick at all even I lived in a very unhealthy place, slept not enough or ate not enough [always thank to god].

My life was changing from one place to other place in the City, the situation and though also was changed accordingly.

Finally I successfully graduated [in 2006].  I had a job and I can afford for my brother and sister's study in Phnom Penh City together. I have been very proud of myself so far, I have supported budget for brother, sister to graduate the bachelor degree at the University as well. A part, I'm also supporting for parents.

From 2006 - 2012, that was a very challenging life in the City to fight for a good career and better salary to support everyone in the family.

Mother always prayed for me to have a higher salary and have honor in the society and she frequently advised me to try to make a "love" for every people around and avoid all who are enemies. Mother, she liked to think too much and she was the one who worked so harder in the family to look after everything around.

She always reminded that "please did not work too hard till the midnight, son, you had to sleep early and take care of your health", I ever encouraged her that "please did not think of me too much, mother, I was fine the important thing was your health because you were older and unhealthy now".

The most sorrow and sad in life was "I lost mother from the world, I cannot meet her anymore in [2012]". It was very short time for her to see my successful life to live in the City.

Over 10years of life in the City, every things have been changed a lot.
I lost a part of land
I cannot see my mother anymore
Two of brother & sister have graduated.
Father is getting older, he cannot work anymore.
I become a outstanding leader in a private company.

"Environment and challenging really change our life"

What is the next going to happen to my single life?

By: Han4U

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10 Things That Leaders Never Missed

Picture from google image search

Today and Tomorrow I'm still a good leader of everybody in the company and family.

In fact, I'm not a manager or boss at all but I'm a leader to lead the company and everyone to the success point.

Leaders are always standing in the front line of everyone to help, guide them to the right way to walk through.

Leaders must have a strong commitment to take care of every colleagues by considering them as our family, brother or sister.

Furthermore, Leaders also must have a higher qualification or more experiences than the other in the company or they must have initiative ideas in order to research something new to develop staffs's capacity as well.

Presently I'm a leader for a number of staffs in a private company in the country, the way I behave every day is to create something new to move company forward to hit the target plan. Of course I seriously behave a good attitude to everyone as well as my colleagues which is from bottom level till up level.

There are 10 important things I frequently behave everyday in the company:
  1. The best strategy planner
  2. The best marketing promoter
  3. The best new opportunity seeker
  4. The best thinker
  5. The best long vision keeper
  6. The best trainer
  7. The best collaborator
  8. The best presenter
  9. The best committed leader
  10. The best problem solver

I take care of people, I love them when they are always with me.

By: Han4U