Thursday, April 11, 2024

Let’s play a new game to improve our lives

Do you feel bored when you keep doing the same thing for years without any new improvements, and no one gives you trustworthy support or encouragement?

Don't you feel that you've been living in your comfort zone for too long, to the point where you can't challenge the outside world?

Let's build your reputation within the community, among your peers, and with people around the world. Then, you can learn about new trends in working experiences, life, and technological advancements, especially in areas like AI, ChatGPT, Big data management, and Cybersecurity. All of these areas require individuals with advanced capabilities in human leadership who can interact effectively with others.

People are great and powerful, especially they could produce much more productivities with courage under a superb leader who truly understands the human mindset and can manage it well.

Education related to soft skills training should be provided to all Chiefs or Heads of Companies who are essentially managing hundreds of staff under their supervision. The problem of high staff turnover each year is not due to the size of the companies but rather to issues with the Chiefs' leadership. Obviously, they couldn't control their emotions and anger towards the staff in the appropriate situations.

Experiencing tough and difficult managers can be beneficial as it prepares you to embrace new opportunities in the future. When you become a leader, you must evolve to exhibit good leadership as well.

Don't be afraid to move out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself with new experiences. Believe me!

When playing chess, if you don't move your pieces, do you think you will win the game?

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