Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Startup’s Secrets: How to Run Remote Sprint Planning

I’ve found that every small win or small difference, often makes the biggest difference in terms of impact. Imagine sprints as small battles, where your startup is fighting in an open arena. Every small victory accumulates, leading to the larger victory of the greater war - which involves outrunning your competition and owning the market. 

Before every battle (or sprint), planning is key to achieve small wins and an overall greater victory.
In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about Sprint planning and the steps to follow to run remote sprints. Here’s what we’ll cover:
  1. What is Sprint Planning?
  2. Sprint Planning Roles
  3. How to run an effective Sprint planning meeting?
  4. Why is Sprint planning important?
My goal is to give you the knowledge we gained through our experience practicing scrum (while building a Jira alternative for software teams- meta!), so you can apply it and gain weekly, bi-weekly and monthly progress.

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