Monday, May 2, 2016

Changes to Improve A Lot of Works

Life is so short,  we don't know when the world lose us!
So please keep doing the best thing you're wanna to do now!

Every of kind, morality and honesty people mostly get more pressure at workplace environment while that company is less of policy & rules' respect.

Those kind people, they like to help whom around them all the time as needed. Sometime they tell about the technique how to do, and sometime they help to implement tasks directly instead.

When we have got a such kind mind in our heart and we often pity people around us every time like this, we will return back the most pressure in life such as no time enough for community meetup, family, friends and personal relax at all.

For me, as experiences I like to help a lot of friends, employees or other people who ask for helps from me. I love to teach them, I love to help them and frequently those people always get motivation from me, of course.

I've worked for several organization, local & international companies over 10 years until now, I manage many companies in the same time, but let's keep the difficult works at apart of my heart and keep slowly resolving it. Customers & Investors are the most challenge for me because they want the easier & the best thing done smoothly to regenerate as much as money as they want.

My challenge is when going to have a meeting with customers & investors and listen to their comments and feedback. I'm so shy of them when I cannot complete projects on time as scheduled.

There are some projects are very sensitive which we cannot assign the team to handle directly, so only us alone to groom it and fix accordingly.

I always tell myself that "We're a human, we were born to help to resolve the problems, so please don't get bored with those.". This sentence is keeping motivation for me all the time and thank to whom that got experience as me.

Thank you,

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