Friday, January 10, 2014

How to use bitBucket with EGit in Eclipse

Git is becoming more and more popular these days, and when we really use version control systems like Git or SVN, we actually want to share our codes with other developers. Thus, we do need a Git server to host the codes, like, which is a Git server offering free limited use.

To set up a project in Eclipse, and push the project to bitBucket, you need to do the following steps:

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I Love My Mother

Today is 666 days that mother left me. :'(

How to increase disk space on existing AWS EC2 Linux (Ubuntu) Instance without losing data

Let’s say you have a Linux Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 Instance up and running and you start running out of space. I’ll show you how to quickly clone its disk (EBS volume) onto a bigger disk (also EBS), replace the smaller disk with the bigger one and boot off the bigger (new) disk. No need for any third party tools like Acronis or Ghost or even rsync.

Create Snapshot of the original disk:

First thing we’ll do is to create a Snapshot of the original disk so that we can then create a new, bigger volume out of that Snapshot. There are a couple of things we have to note down first: the Instance number and then the volume attached to that Instance. The easiest way to fine the Instance number is in the Instances part of the AWS Management Console. It will start with “i” and be under the “Instance” column. Now navigate to the Volumes section (Elastic Block Store section) and locate the volume that is attached to your Instance. You can see the Instance number under the “Attachment Information” column. The first half of that string will be the Instance number. Please see the images below for an example.

Talent - ស្នេហ៍បរិសុទ្ឋ By Chey Sovath-S2 On 21-Dec 2013