Saturday, November 27, 2021

Web 3.0 Empowers The World

Web 2.0 will be transformed to new evolution of web 3.0 in the near future soon while Blockchain and Cryptocurrency technology is now most discussion by communities around the world.

1. We are using Amazon EC2 of Web2.0 for computation but future we'll use Ethereum or Truebit of Web 3.0 instead.

2. We are using Amazon S3 or Google Cloud of Web 2.0 for file storage but future it'll change to use Storj or IPFS of Web 3.0 instead.

No more single entity to control you and your data anymore when Web 3.0 comes up. Everything will be owned privately by yourself. 

This is how decentralized network empowers the world and businesses, corruption-free and leverage the data transparency.
