Silo said:
hi chanhan are you keeping well ? today what to technoloy with web application ? today what is new with AJAX? What is new with Open Source ,and Microsoft ? |
ChanHan said:
I am not so well cuz i have some cough but i am happy i've just got back my gmail account.
Million thousand of people over the world come to the internet every day to find what is the newest of them.
How we stop technology growing and all those things appear on the websites, so we cannot.
One day to one day technology is very much growing, and we cannot note how many the latest technologies are built :(.
Bill Gate try to push their product, MS technology and Steve Jobs he also try to promote and update their iphone, Mac as well especial on the iphone mobile.
The next generation of web application will spread on the mobile phone, so what we should learn is how to show web application on all mobiles platform.
Anyway, How have you been?